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Wickedpedia… The alternative information

Ever wondered where the Scissor Sisters got their name…. certainly takes donut bumping into the new Olympics

Pet lovers wondered what to do with your Ex-Moggie or your favourite dog gets flattened try these great alternatives at

Want to try a beer infused steak or what about an absinthe saturated pear this gastrovac gadget takes the moisture out of food and can replace it with whatever fluid you want

Have enough tattoos or run outta space try toilet tattoos and individually mark your territory. Ideal for that his and hers household

Stressed at work or need some good distractions, want to find out how long you will live try a few of these games and torture tests

Connection to a great sport of Wing suiting….the new view.

Uber Tube…….Want an insight into the world of Ronnie Johns try getting a connection thru

Is this the answer to red neck syndrome do not let those tie-died hippies steal your thoughts?

Ranting and raving Boston style cut in each Wednesday for a new tirade….that’s if he has not lost his sponsorship

For a directory of different things and keeping pace with world reality

Worried about the World….fear not all believers for here is the truth…..well according to independent analysis by the people who brought you Weapons of Mass Distraction.

Say no more nor say more less ….here are the answers for free range thoughts

Uberslang or talking street with conviction …get your definitions of your words or enter the maelstrom.

The world as you should know it…….. Is this the real story unrealised facts or fiction?

Connections, comments and the need to find out. Use the links on the home page to enter your subterranean sophistry

When neo colonialism strikes and reference to the straight world requires a list of the best 50 sites for 2008…. Go no further than Time Mag,28804,1809858_1809957,00.html

Lift your profile and let the greatest thinkers provide your by-lines …..find the famous quote you need

El Caminito del Rey ( The King’s pathway) is a walkway, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Málaga, Spain. Here is your walking nightmare.

Suck in your flair and use this design web to revamp your apartmenti…perhaps even steal the ideas and promote your profile.

If you cannot help yourself who will….This is the home for your upfront artistic bent

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